• READ & WRITE FILE simply reads and writes a document, processing it as specified by the chosen pop-up menus, checkboxes, replacements strings, and character remapping set.
• MAKE PARAGRAPHS selectively strips CRs from lines and removes LFs so that CRs will denote paragraphs, not lines. Lines followed by 2 or more CRs are assumed to be end of paragraphs. Additionally, indention (a space or tab is the first character) indicates the start of a paragraph.
Select the Remove all indentation checkbox to remove leading spaces and tabs from the beginning of each line after determining paragraph starts.
You’ll likely use Make Paragraphs or Make Paragraphs2 for files that are destined for page layout or word processing programs.
∆Computers are changing the business of law.¶
Δí‚àÜ Computers In The Law will put you in the fore-¬∂
Δífront of the computer revolution.¬∂
Δí In addition to discussing computer-assisted legal¬∂
Δíresearch, this highly informative book investigates¬∂
Δíthe use of computers in the law office.¬∂
∆Computers are changing the business of law.¶
∆ Computers In The Law will put you in the forefront of the computer revolution.
In addition to discussing computer-assisted legal¶
research, this highly informative book investigates the use of computers in the law office.¶
After (Remove all indentation):
Computers are changing the business of law.¶
Computers In The Law will put you in the forefront of the computer revolution.
In addition to discussing computer-assisted legal¶
research, this highly informative book investigates the use of computers in the law office.¶
>> You may want to consider using the Make Paragraphs2 process if most lines are indented and there are blank lines between paragraphs.
• ADD or STRIP CHARACTERS adds or strips LFs and/or CRs. LFs are also removed by several main processes.
Replacement strings or custom character remapping sets can also be used to add or remove LFs and/or CRs with a different main process to avoid having to process a file more than once.
• FORCE LINE WIDTH reformats lines to a specified width, while removing LFs but not splitting words. Spaces are used to determine words. A line with a space or tab character as the first character is considered to be the first line of a paragraph and is not merged with preceding lines.
Words longer than the specified number of characters are placed on their own line. This means that specifying a maximum width of 1 character would cause each word to be placed on its own line.
Select the Never merge lines to fit checkbox to prevent the default merging of lines used to pack as many words as possible in the specified width.
∆Computers In The Law will put you in¶
the forefront of the computer revolution.¶
In addition to discussing computer-assisted legal research, this highly informative book investigates the use of computers in the law office.¶
After (54 characters):
∆Computers In The Law will put you in the forefront of¶
the computer revolution. In addition to discussing¶
computer-assisted legal research, this highly¶
informative book investigates the use of computers in¶
the law office.¶
After (54 characters; Never merge lines to fit):
∆Computers In The Law will put you in¶
the forefront of the computer revolution.¶
In addition to discussing computer-assisted legal¶
research, this highly informative book investigates¶
• SPACE RUNS -> TAB replaces consecutive spaces greater than a specified number with a SINGLE tab. Use the slider to specify the maximum number of allowable consecutive spaces.
Select the Evaluate leading spaces checkbox to have spaces at the beginning of lines be considered for replacing with a tab.
Add/Strip 2.8 Shareware $15¶
Reponer 0.8 Freeware $20¶
HyperCard 1.2.2 Commercial $50¶
After (1 space):
Add/Strip 2.8∆Shareware∆$15¶
Reponer 0.8∆Freeware∆$20¶
HyperCard 1.2.2∆Commercial∆$50¶
>> You may want to consider using the Variable -> Tab Delimited, Fixed String Insertions, or Variable String Insertions processes to insert tabs if spaces were used to create columnar text.
• TABS -> SPACE RUNS replaces each and every tab with a specified number of spaces. Use the slider to specify the number of spaces to insert for each tab.
Add/Strip 2.8∆Shareware∆$15¶
Reponer 0.8∆Freeware∆$20¶
HyperCard 1.2.2∆Commercial∆$50¶
After (5 spaces):
Add/Strip 2.8 Shareware $15¶
Reponer 0.8 Freeware $20¶
HyperCard 1.2.2 Commercial $50¶
>> You may want to consider using the Tab Delimited -> Fixed or Tab Delimited -> Variable processes to insert spaces to create columnar text or create a replacement string that replaces each tab (represented by the “^t” code) with up to 64 characters.
• TAB DELIMITED -> CSV replaces tabs with commas and places quotes around non-numeric items, optionally placing quotes around all fields. CSV stands for Comma Separated Values.
• TAB DELIMITED -> FIXED replaces tabs in tab delimited documents with an appropriate number of spaces so that each field is arranged in a fixed, columnar format padded with spaces. Use the slider to specify the number of characters in each column. Each column will be the same width.
Although fields are left justified by default, numeric columns may be right justified by selecting the Right justify numbers checkbox.
• TAB DELIMITED -> VARIABLE replaces tabs in tab delimited documents with an appropriate number of spaces so that the characters are arranged in a variable length, columnar format padded with spaces. Up to 200 tabs per line will be processed.
The position and number of tabs in the first line determine the number and width of the columns that will be created. If necessary, the tab positions in the first line may be adjusted by adding spaces in front of the tab characters to increase the width of future columns.
Lines will also be padded with spaces, if necessary, to make them the same length as the first line. Although fields are left justified by default, numeric columns may be right justified by selecting the Right justify numbers checkbox.
Before (first line with added spaces):
Add/Strip ∆2.8 ∆Shareware ∆$15¶
Add/Strip 2.8 Shareware $15¶
Reponer 0.8 Freeware $20¶
HyperCard 1.2.2 Commercial $50¶
After (Right justify numbers):
Add/Strip 2.8Shareware $15¶
Reponer 0.8Freeware $20¶
HyperCard 1.2.2Commercial $50¶
>> You may want to consider using the Tab Delimited -> Fixed or Tab Delimited -> Variable2 processes to specify the column widths from within A/S and avoid having to manipulate the first line to reposition the tabs.
• TAB DELIMITED -> VARIABLE2 replaces tabs in tab delimited documents with an appropriate number of spaces so that the characters are arranged in a variable length, columnar format padded with spaces. Up to 200 tabs per line will be processed.
Click the Column Widths… button to define the column widths.
When no tabs are found in a line and the line is shorter than the specified first column width, spaces are appended until it matches the desired width.
Although fields are left justified by default, numeric columns may be right justified by selecting the Right justify numbers checkbox.
After (11,6,11 width sequence):
Add/Strip 2.8 Shareware $15¶
Reponer 0.8 Freeware $20¶
HyperCard 1.2.2 Commercial $50¶
After (11,6,11,5 width sequence; Right justify numbers):
• FIXED -> TAB DELIMITED inserts tabs in fixed intervals for documents where characters are arranged in a fixed length columnar format padded with spaces.
Select the Remove bounding spaces checkbox to remove leading and trailing spaces from all tab delimited fields.
Add/Strip 2.8 Shareware $15¶
Reponer 0.8 Freeware $20¶
HyperCard 1.2.2 Commercial$50¶
After (10 characters):
Add/Strip ∆2.8 ∆Shareware ∆$15¶
Reponer ∆0.8 ∆Freeware ∆$20¶
HyperCard ∆1.2.2 ∆Commercial∆$50¶
After (Remove bounding spaces):
>> See the Fixed String Insertions process to insert up to 32 characters rather than only a single tab.
• VARIABLE -> TAB DELIMITED inserts tabs in irregular intervals for documents where characters are arranged in variable length, columnar format padded with spaces.
The first line of the file must contain mapping information for tab placement. This is simply a list of the field widths, each separated by a comma. Up to 200 tabs may be specified per line.
Select the Remove bounding spaces checkbox to remove leading and trailing spaces from ALL tab delimited fields.
Add/Strip2.8 Shareware $15¶
Reponer 0.8 Freeware $20¶
Add/Strip∆2.8 ∆Shareware ∆$15¶
Reponer ∆0.8 ∆Freeware ∆$20¶
After (Remove bounding spaces):
>> See the Variable String Insertions process for a more flexible form of this process. You may want to consider using the Space Runs -> Tab process to replace consecutive spaces with a single tab.
• FIXED STRING INSERTIONS inserts a specified character string (up to 32 characters) at fixed intervals.
This could be used to repeatedly insert a tab character (defined as “^t”) every 20 characters in a line. No insertions would be made in lines with fewer than 20 characters.
Select the Remove bounding spaces checkbox to remove leading and trailing spaces at the insertion points.
• VARIABLE STRING INSERTIONS inserts a specified character string (up to 32 characters) at variable intervals. The number of characters between each insertion (the width) can be specified. Strings will be inserted as long as the insertion point is before the end of the line. Up to 200 widths may be specified.
A width sequence of “3,5,0,0,999” with an insertion string of “^t” would convert the line JPW2.9.2Shareware¶ to JPW∆2.9.2∆∆∆Shareware¶.
Select the Remove bounding spaces checkbox to remove leading and trailing spaces from either side of an insertion.
Click the String & Intervals… button to define the insertion string and width sequence.
Add/Strip 2.8 Shareware ¶
Reponer 0.8 Freeware ¶
HyperCard 1.2.2 Commercial¶
After (‘/\’ with 10,6,0,0,999 width sequence):
Add/Strip /\2.8 /\/\/\ Shareware ¶
Reponer /\0.8 /\/\/\ Freeware ¶
HyperCard /\1.2.2 /\/\/\ Commercial¶
After (‘/\’ with 10,6,0,0,999 width sequence; Remove bounding spaces):